![]() Does 2 Moons get your attention? How about we start with Two Moons? On the 17th of November I stepped outside at 6:13 AM to let the cats out ( I have them trained like dogs ) and as I faced the Westward direction the Full Moon was just starting to loose her fullness in the sky, but she was bright, so bright I needed sun glasses to look at her. There is one thing I know is "energy". I've been studying it all my life and worked with it for the last 30 years. Now as absorb the energy of this moon, I keep noticing that her energy is not the same. She feels more invasive, difficult to gaze at, more masculine in nature. I've noticed this shift since the Moon in August, 2024. On the same day at 8:35 AM I stepped outside to go for a walk. I looked up in the sky and I saw the moon again, she was looking at me from the South not far away from the Sun. I took a deep gasp and thought how is that possible? If the moon rises from the East to the South, to the West and then disappears how can it be in the South, when I saw it 2 hours earlier in the West? I must of looked up at it 10 x before continuing my walk. When I gazed at her she was almost at her half size and she felt more feminine in nature, more soothing, and gentle. Our reality is an illusion. I get that to a certain level. I get that we live in a matrix. I get that we are programmed and conditioned to believe certain things. In a way I am relieved that our beautiful nurturing, soma energy moon has not disappeared forever. I take comfort in knowing she still exists. This other moon though, WTF is that? When I came back from my walk the moon in the South was no longer visible to my naked eye on a clear blue sky day. She just vanished as quickly as she appeared. Anyone else notice the differences in the moon or seen two of them? Guess what? According to an article that was written in Belles & Gals there was indeed a 2nd moon and I'm not loosing my mind: "In a stunning new discovery, Earth has gained what can be described as a second moon, albeit a temporary one. Astronomers from the Complutense University of Madrid, using a powerful telescope located in Sutherland, South Africa, identified an asteroid named 2024 PT5 that is now in orbit around our planet. The asteroid, only about 11 meters in diameter, was first spotted in August 2024 and has quickly sparked the interest of scientists worldwide." Read more about it here. Aho! Carole
![]() My Liver is On Fire Back in January of this year I found out that my liver was operating at 52% of it's capacity. This was shocking news to me. I knew that I wasn't feeling great, but had no idea that my liver was struggling so much. I sought out some alternative healing and was prescribed some "Nutrition" to support my liver. I've been supplementing my body with an assortment of plant medicines to help my healing process. At the beginning of November I enrolled in 2 courses with Elsa Janney (she was featured in our Community Highlights in our monthly Spirit News a few months back. One of these courses is called "Live Life Akashic". It is a fascinating course that teaches you how to step into your soul's library, quantum field, body history, etc. Honestly the list is endless of what and why you can tap into this knowledge. I decided to enter into my Akashic records seeking to speak to my liver and let it tell me what it needs, how I can help and how can we support each other. My liver showed me that it was on fire. 5 fires to be exact. Now in the Ayurvedic teachings they say that a liver has 5 fires. It breaks down and filters so much for us. But what happens when the fires are too hot? This is what my liver was trying to tell me. She's too hot. She's over worked. Her efficacy has been compromised. There has been too much "sludge" around it. I found out that she was riddled with candida and it's been an ongoing battle to eradicate candida and bring my liver to a beautiful balanced health. Just a few Liver Functions:
Last week I found out that my liver, although it had improved over the course of the year has now taken a turn to the worse. The day after that news I awoke in the middle of the night to a furnace that was not working. The Fire was out! Do you think my furnace and liver are in cahoots with each other? Well the culprit to the furnace was a filter that had not been changed for over 2 years. It was so dirty the air could not get through and that caused the furnace to overheat and shut right down. Pay attention to the signs they are all around us! I don't want a furnace shut down and I definitely do not want a liver shut down. So I'm taking this WAY more serious. Here is what I am doing: 💗Using LifeWave patches for a liver protocol 💗Supplementing with nutrition 💗Eliminating certain foods like anything deep fried, and sugar 💗Drinking dandilion tea, ginger tea and chaga tea 💗Spending time in the Akashic with my liver and checking in for what it needs 💗Resting as much as possible 💗Fashia release movements 💗Block therapy 💗Bioresonance 💗Sending Love as many times as I think of it If you have any suggestions, I'm open to receiving them into my awareness. Aho, Carole ![]() Continuation …The introduction to Reiki opened a magical door! Once I stepped through it, there was no turning back!... Initially my why for learning Reiki was to feel relaxed. I felt I needed to take control of my broken self and put myself back together like I Humpty Dumpty, one piece at a time. The Reiki training was the beginning of my journey of pursuing a wholistic health. It was an amazing beginning. I encourage anyone who's reading who can relate to any of what I'm saying in my last 2 blogs to follow up and learn something new! If you decide you want to embark on the healer’s journey, you will want to empower yourself first. We need to learn the tools that we can apply for ourselves. I signed up for Reiki Level 1, and a few experiences from that class left an imprint. There were at least eight or nine students in the class, and we were all at the teacher's apartment. Deborah (the teacher) taught us the theory, the history, and how this energy therapy works. For the first time I learnt that I was more than my physical body. This wisdom was earth shattering for me. It was a big WOW! To learn that I was more than my physical body, that I had an emotional, mind, and spiritual layers was something so strange, so unfathomable. I had no idea, or ever heard of this concept. I learnt about chakras, these energy centers and how they could get clogged up. The wisdom, the experience of this class was mind bending. One of the exercises that we did was to play with an energy ball. It was a way in which we could put into feeling what we could not see. Humans tend to have to see to believe. In this case we felt to believe. It was a perfect way to demonstrate that we were more than our physical bodies. We rubbed the palms of her hands together to create friction between the hands and then we would take the hands apart slowly to feel the edges of the energy ball. We would play with it by moving the hands further apart and closer together. This was the first time I consciously felt energy. Deborah had us partnered up with someone where we had to be cognizant of our own energetic field and the other person’s field. We did this by walking slowly into each other’s space with our eyes closed. Deborah asked me to assist her in this demonstration. She placed me at one end of the apartment, and she was at the other. I was blind folded, and she had slippers on her feet to not make a sound. Deborah says to the class: “Pay attention and let's see where Carole can feel me”. I sat with my eyes closed and my back to her. She slowly started to move towards me. I don't think she had taken her first step and I felt her. I could feel her energetic body. I was so surprised how obvious it was to me. Deborah asked me to turn around and take off my blindfold. There she was at the other end of the apartment and she’d only taken one step. Seriously, I thought she was right behind me. She had barely even taken a step. Deborah explained to the class that I was extremely sensitive, that if I could feel her from all the way at the end of the hallway, I was extremely sensitive. To think that I could feel other people’s energies from. 20 feet away. This knowledge about myself was a game changer. A huge WOW WOW moment. This nugget of wisdom about myself started to answer lots of questions for me about my life, my choices and most importantly how I desperately looked for ways to shut off, dumb down, numb all these energies I was feeling from other people around me. I came to realize why, as a young adolescent I made lots of bad choices of the substances I put in my body, alcohol, narcotics, sugar, and junk food. This was my coping mechanism of absorbing all of these energies around me, anger, sadness, happiness, anxiety, loneliness. I was feeling what others were feeling and I did not know that it wasn’t mine! I was unconsciously numbing out, everyone else is pain that I could feel around me. I knew nothing about discernment back then. Learning Reiki Level 1 was a massive self-discovery of the incredibly beautiful, sensitive being that I am. I'm so grateful for it. After I completed Level 1, I went through a bit of a body detox. I broke out into a rash and had some minor cold symptoms. I then noticed a shift. I quit drugs and reduced my alcohol intake. I started to make better food choices, joined a gym and worked out. I even noticed that certain friends moved on. My circle of friendship was changing. I was healing. Although that could be uncomfortable, and confusing, it was necessary. And it certainly has played a huge part of who I am today. What I am. What my magic is, and what I am here to offer today. All these incredible experiences came to me with Reiki Level 1. Wait till I share more stories of my journey! Stay tuned….for part IV. ![]() We all sign up for workshops, therapy and buy books that promises to fix us. Why do we do this? Simple, we FEEL BROKEN. It was no different for me in my 20’s and that is why I signed up for my very first Reiki course. It was called Dr. Usui Reiki Level I. There was something mystical about the concept that I could heal myself. That felt like a big truth for me. Healing oneself was a new concept because at that point in my life I believed that life happened to me, and I was always the victim of my circumstance. I certainly did not know anything about creating my life, my health. I really want to emphasize the WHY in this blog. My big WHY on the surface was I felt like I was in constant state of FEAR. To be honest for good reasons. I had some traumatic experiences in my life. But the one that had me most crippled was the experiences and the abuses I had lived with for over a year with a partner who was…himself broken. When I escaped from that life with my life, I always felt like I needed eyes behind my back. I was in “flight” mode at all times and in high alert. The result of this trauma in my body showed up in a few different ways; struggled with weight gain, constipation, severe indigestion, bouts of insomnia, lower and mid back pain, and lots of neck issues. That was only the physical symptoms. My mental symptoms showed up in waves of depression and that consistent negative voice in my head that told me I was useless, pathetic, stupid, ugly and fat. Wow that is a mouthful! Spiritually, well I was so overwrought with the physical and mental and emotional symptoms, I could not see what was broken there for the exception that I felt a spiritual void! A sense of disconnection to all that is and the strong conviction that there was no God! Up to this point in my life, my health program was dependent on anti-depressants, sleeping pills, muscle relaxants and one natural product called digestive enzymes. That is, it. I knew in my core that there had to be another way. But I had no answers until Reiki stepped into my life. What is your WHY? What has you in pain? What are you suffering from? Are you stuck in the old belief system that only the Western doctors can help you? Western medicine has its place no argument here. Most of us wait until there is something so severely wrong with us, perhaps its cancer, autoimmune deficiency, MS, and so on. Why is it that the pain turns into suffering and at that point in our lives why is it so difficult to find any kind of balanced health? We are born whole. What the heck happened to us? But is that really all there is? Could there be more? For some reason even in my darkness nights of pain, I had this knowing that there had to be other ways to heal. I felt that there needed to be a bigger picture approach, something much more natural. I had no awareness whatsoever at that point in my life what whole meant. What was holistic? I had heard whispers about mind, body, and spirit. But what the heck was all that nonsense. The introduction to Reiki opened a magical door! Once I stepped through it, there was no turning back! Stay tuned as I continue sharing my journey with Reiki in part III... |
Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
November 2024
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