Day 7 Brahma Muhurta My morning ritual challenge is done. Today was glorious as it has been every day even on the days I did not get out of bed. The sunrise was amazing. Even brushing my teeth was a mindful process of greeting each tooth sending all my teeth gratitude for all the chewing they do. Then I focused my attention to my tongue and gave it thanks for all the tasting and pleasure it gives me. I took my sadhana to the third floor where I was followed by 3 cats. Meditation with furrballs being upchucked is a whole other experience. I guess it would be equivalent to the commotion created by kids. LOL This early morning pracrice gives me great peace. As I sat breathing in sattva I could feel every cell of my being lapping it up. It was glorious! Moments of true bliss! I will continue Brahma Muhurta as in a week I feel it's benefits. Look forward to all other health balance it brings me. Namaste Day 6 Brahma Muhurta Affirmation: I am opening a door to the centre of my being. Deep inside my being dwells a silent presence, My true Self I acknowledge this presence as my divine Self I AM Stillness, Peace, Tranquility. I AM Limitless Existence, Infinite Knowledge, Unbounded Bliss Up at 5:50 am Sattva overflowing Feeling peaceful and wonderful. Blessing you all with love! Day 5, Brahma Muhurta Awaken by a huge thunderstorm at 5:05 am. No sattva from the sun this sunrise. Do you still need to get up early to greet the sun when it is nowhere to be seen? Truth is I went back to bed. I had no sleep all night , wrestling with stomach spasms as I got very aquainted with the toilet bowl. I spent many days complaining about indigestion, constipation and general malaise. It is one of the reasons I started my Brahma Muhurta practise. Our bodies are rythmic and in 24 hours go through a very specific cycles. Each cycle playing a role in our overall health. Honestly, summertime is a challenge for the richness of food you choose. If you treat yourself to those chocolate sundaes and fresh fruit deserts you risk upsetting your digestive fire. Day 4 Brahma Muhurta Eyes opened at 5:59. Glorious sunrise. Ahhhhhh how blissful! You can notice the small minut things in the morning like how your plants literally seek to follow the sun followed by my cat who selectively positions itself on the floor in a sunny spot. It's the little things that life shares with you that are all the blessings you need. Have a glorious day 💜 Day 3 of Brahma Muhurta and I was up for a short moment to say hello to the sun. I was so entangled in the web of night that I slipped right back into bed and awoke at 9:18 am. I was so wrapped up in the inertia and my mind made me believe this is what my body wanted. I was able to observe my mind and the conversation went something like this; Mind: oh come back to bed you need your sleep you were up very late...12:30 Body: Yes I feel a little groggy now but after our sadhana I will be good. Mind: Look at you, you are so so tired, how can getting up with the birds be so good for a tired body. Body: You think you know what is best for me but you really don't. Mind: I know what is best and you will choose to remain in bed. Day 2 of Brahma Muhurta. Eyes open naturally at 5:38 am and body standing vertical at 5:56 am. I understand how the night can tangle you in it's web and lure you back to sleep. I resisted the vertical position of my body. In my sadhana, I decided to make it my own early sun greeting ritual and lit a candle followed by chants that always move me to the core and then smudged. How beautiful to honor my divine self in this manner. Later, I was blessed by the light of angels. All this would have been missed if I let the night wrap me back up in it's web Day 1 Brahma Muhurta
Never been a morning person. I love to sleep in. Don't usually get up till 8:30 or 9:30. And consequently I'm tired, groggy, sluggish, sleepy and feel the inertia. I've been studying Ayurveda for a couple of years now. Much of my knowledge comes from books and my beautiful soul sister @purnima_chaudhari . Changes are slow on those habits you know are hurting you. I've committed myself to the practice of Brahma Muhurta this week to see if it makes a difference. Initially, my crazy mind said I was insane. Why would you get up before sunrise and then I read this: "Waking up during brahma muhurta not only allows you to savor the sattvic sunrise, it also gives you time to perform valuable lifestyle practices...we are eternal and infinite powerful beings. We are connected with a universal spiritual source, both outside and within us, and it is important that each day we remember our divinity. We are advised to reach our hearts every morning and grab a handful of divine powers to recall the truth that we are not beggars of well being, but royal beings infused with the spiritual power to be always abundant, knowledgeable and healthy and always in an authentic " inner power seat"". Acharya Shunya Breathing in the morning sun fills you up with sattvic energy. Light my friends! I'm on the path to recover my true divinity. #Ayurveda #feedyoursoul #yoga
Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
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