We just finished wrapping up a virtual retreat entitled "Healing with Your Angels". It was a heart felt weekend filled with learning, experiencing, sharing and mostly receiving what our angels have to offer us in the form of support and healing. We worked with four specific Archangels; Uriel, Gabriel, Jophiel and Raphael. Each Archangel carries a distinct colored ray that brings us healing for very specific areas of the body called "energy centres" or also known as "chakras". The fourth center we explored was all matters of the heart. Our heart centres encompass our arms, hands, mid back, lungs, and heart. Knowing what Archangel Raphael area of expertise was, we were all tasked to list our personal issues where Raphael could assist us. We then proceeded to ask the Archangel through an intentional prayer followed by an activation meditation. It's such a beautiful way to connect with our angels and always sends me goosebumps all over my body. Every soul-sister had their own individual areas of their lives that they required assistance with. The secret key to receiving help from the Archangels (spirit guides, power animals, angels) is to ASK for help. Once the question has been asked, we then need to get out of the way and TRUST that the angels will assist in accordance to the divine will. I too asked for help, and I share with you the message I received from Archangel Raphael. My request was relevant to what humanity is experiencing at this time. I asked for Archangel Raphael to assist the healing of the collective who are dealing with the fear around their lungs with our current virus. I received a profound message one that left me in tears. The messages goes like this: "Dear child, the lungs are the tree of life. As above, so below. Even though you see the lungs as vertical in your bodies, if you flip them around to horizontal you will recognize the tree of life with the branches on top and the roots on the bottom. The macro and the micro. You cover yourselves under masks. But the very thing you need is breath! You have covered the earth (mother earth, gaia, pachamama) with your pollution and have cut down her lungs (trees). This action is destroying your lungs and the earths. Your experience is Gaia's experience. You get caught up so much in what is happening to YOU, to your FAMILY, to your COMMUNITY, but most never take it an further into the macrocosm. What is the bigger picture? How is this mirroring your collective experience? What you have done to yourselves, humanity, you have done to our great mother, the earth. You as a collective have put a mask on her." Gaia now has this pollution over her face (the mask). Mother earth can not breathe. We have cut down her lungs (the trees). We have done this to ourselves. So as the macro, so is the micro. We need to look further than ourselves, always...right? Life always mirrors what we do to the earth, we do to ourselves. In this retreat we were working on healing our hearts. It starts here. It's an inner journey, and inside work. When we heal this aspect of ourselves, we make better choices that have an huge impact on our earth. And just as the earth is our macrocosm, the earth is the microcosm to the whole universe. So our inner journeys, play a role in the infinite existence of all creation. So be it now.
In the midst of a riveting conversation about fairies from Ireland with Mary Murphy (singer songwriter) we heard a knock at the door, or was it a cry? Mary was explaining that if you ever go to fairyland you are not allowed to leave. There it was again a sound of something at the front door. Could Mary and I be hearing the spirit of Stu knocking at the front door or were the fairies playing tricks with us? Mary had heard the story of Stu (our departed furry friend) and his ability to knock at the front door, so we both braved opening the door ever so gently as to not scare away the ghost of Stu. Much to our delight, there was no ghost, just a little grey kitten vertically hanging on the screen door, meowing. The little gaffer came down and made his way in the house and proceeded to make himself at home. Now let me take you back one day where in the midst of my daily regime of yoga, prayer, journal writing and meditation I had reread a journal entry from February 2014. The entry had brought tears to my eyes as I read a gratitude entry of Stu who had spent the morning doing yoga with me. Here is a snippet of the entry: “I had a wonderful leisurely morning with my cat Stu. Did you know cats lay in areas of your home to take away negative energy, and then go outside to cleanse themselves. Well must be loaded with negative and unbalanced energy today! As I practice my yoga routine Stu laid on my heart first, then moved down to my root chakra, then to my hand chakras, then proceeded to pat my head. Imagine a complete chakra balancing treatment. He’s now outside basking in the sun. I am grateful of “Old great cat warrior for the loving treatment!” I miss my friend Stu and in the moment asked the “universe” that if I was meant to have another cat, that I would want a male, and very affectionate, and loving cat. I asked for it to be delivered to me in a way that I would know it was meant to be. Do you think a kitten that knocked at the door, found hanging on your screen door a good indication of a special delivery? In spite of “asking” for a special delivery of a cat I still questioned its validity. Why do we do this? Why do some of us have a hard time “receiving”? Is it because somewhere in our lifetime of experiences that we were made to feel undeserving? Appropriately today I received an email message from the Universe. It stated: I can assure you, Carole, that the time will come when you, too, will ask, "In what fields did I sow seeds to deserve so very, very much." Then I'll remind you that the whole sowing-seeds-cause-and-effect concept was just a myth, because you were born deserving” “You were born deserving!” Wow! How many of us can honestly say that we feel deserving? When we can accept that this statement is true, we then can easily “receive”. Know that you are “deserving”, that you are worthy of receiving. I gratefully receive my new furry friend Oso. A very loving, affectionate kitten that has opened our hearts and filled it with love. |
Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
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