How does one gracefully walk alongside someone who has just been diagnosed with cancer? We all fear to some degree that big ugly disease called cancer. We all know someone who has either died or survived it. So what do you do when you find out someone close to you is suffering from this disease?
My journey begins on September 18th, 2015 when my sister called me to tell me her husband had been diagnosed with lung cancer....silence It's like hearing a bomb going off. A hundred thoughts come flashing through the mind with a thousand questions. As you stand in shock, you struggle to keep your center and say something supportive and intelligent. Good morning! It's a brand new day and a new canvas to be painted! First order up BELIEVE in miracles cause you are going to make them happen! Today my sister takes her husband to Health Science Centre Cancer Care to be admitted. Imagine you are leaving your home and you truly don't know if you will ever step your feet back in your home again. You have no idea what to expect, you feel nothing but FEAR, CONFUSION, SHOCK, EMOTIONS, SADNESS, DESPAIR, HELPLESSNESS, ANGER and the same question keeps repeating itself in your mind WHY ME? Another new day. Word for today is UNDERSTANDING. Lots of information coming to you today; listen, discern, question and pay attention to how the information makes you FEEL. Second opinions are your right. Love you both Today my sister watches her husband receive a barrage of tests; everything from Xrays, blood tests, drainage tubes. intravenous, exploratory surgery and a lumbar tap. Imagine witnessing a man who has never had any health issues, to seeing him pulled in one direction to another, seeing a body used like a pin cushion. A man, proud and strong sitting in his hospital gown, feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed with fear. Top of the morning to you both. Today's powerful word is TRUST. Trust in the skills of the doctors and nurses who will be doing the surgery and treatment today. They have spent their lifetime perfecting their skills to be of service today for you in this moment now! We have an identity; lymphoma T cells. Okay so now what? Chemo, chemo, chemo. All due respect to all the health practitioners who specialize in cancer care, but is that truly the only answer? My belief system is different from my brother in law's. I do believe you can heal yourself, I do believe in miracles, I do believe in the power of prayer, and energy work. I believe! But this is NOT my journey. I'm walking alongside this cancer, I'm walking along side my sister who is being the best she can be to support her husband in this leg of his journey. Today's word is IDENTITY. You both will learn the identity of the disease that has invaded your body. Identities are made up of characteristics. Those characteristics are malleable like the mortar you use in brick laying. The mortar changes depending on the type of sand silt and water. So guess what characteristics are temporary and changeable. So in essence the identity is not permanent. Cancer whatever name it goes by is temporary because it's characteristics can change. Love you both Radiation begins....our western world treats cancer like wars. Kill everything in site, kill all, clean up and then rebuild. Do you ever really recover from that type of war strategy? Such a hostile body takeover. We sit and listen to the team of doctors and nurses explain the plan of attack. The whole body and all it's perfectly operating systems will be affected by this strategy. Not only will my brother in law's body be filled with chemo and radiation, but he will be pumped with many other drugs to counter attack the barrage of side effects he is expected to experience. What if there was another way? What if we could incorporate Eastern medicine (Ayurveda) with Western. Wouldn't we have a perfect marriage and we would not have to go to war? Today's word is GENTLENESS. Be gentle to yourselves today. Do something nurturing, and love yourself like you do your girls. Yesterday is gone and all its events with it. No need to relive them. Just when life seems complicated enough, you find yourself in a different hospital for a different emergency supporting another family member... Today's wise word is CHAOS. What is chaos other then temporary? If we can find the eye of the storm we remain calm and the chaos is nothing but external factors. We choose to step into the storm or stay centered. Find your "eye" and the chaos will end. My brother in law is experiencing some ill effects from his first round of chemo. But there is something magical that is going to happen today. A ray of sunshine is flying in from Ottawa. This will help raise everyone's spirits. Good morning! The word today is JOY. The humming bird is the power animal that brings JOY. It flutters and navigates quickly into and out of your life. Yesterday JOY flew into your life. Enjoy her presence while she is here. And when she is gone allow her presence to permeate into your hearts. This little hummingbird has a name; she's your youngest daughter. So how do we get to the point of dis-ease? Where does it come from? What lessons are we suppose to learn from it all? Can you find gratitude in dis-ease? Can you truly bring yourself to embrace the dis-ease, love it, then release it to something greater than you; the divine? Walking along side my brother-in law's journey, puts you in deep reflection about your own journey and your own life. These questions and more are to be continued... |
Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
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