The Dog Whisperer A number of years ago we received a reservation from a couple from Switzerland. Oh I remember how excited I was and remember thinking who needs to travel when the world comes to your doorstep.
I remember the middle aged woman, with beautiful skin and a quiet, gentle demeanor. Her profession was to work with dogs in some capacity. My memory escapes me at the moment, but I believe she trained and showed dogs. During the time of the couple's stay we were having lots of problems with Luna and Trudeau's behavior when we took them for walks. They would never listen and I found myself frustrated all the time. In fact I would even go as far as saying that I disliked walking them. Our lovely dog whisperer asked if she could join us for a walk one night. I gave her Trudeau's leash with all the warnings; he pulls, he doesn't listen, blaa blaa blaa. She smiled and we started to walk. As she walked, Trudeau obediently walk along side of her with his full attention and not having to correct him in anyway. I couldn't believe my eyes! She gracefully explained that our animals (pets) are an extension of our energy field, if you are tense so are they, if you are agitated so are they. The BIG light bulb went off in my head. Of course why had I not made the connection before? I was already teaching humans energy work and explaining how other peoples energy affects ours why wouldn't it be the same for our pets. From that day forward my walks with Trudeau and Luna became much more peaceful, always checking and clearing my energy prior to my contact with them, and making sure that my awareness and mindfulness button was turned on. Thank you to our Swiss friends!
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Groupon In our 2nd year of business, Groupon had just hit the scene with their incredible discounts. We had heard of numerous stories of how it had changed people's businesses for the good and the worst. When we looked into the marketing opportunity, we decided that we could totally take advantage of their strategy. We were very careful in our planning as we wanted to attract customers that were into wellness. We put together an incredible retreat package that offered a stay in this lovely room (the metal room) with a Reiki session and a pot of herbal tea. I don't remember the details of the cost, but it was an amazing deal. Our goal was to sell 50 packages and we totally nailed it. We offered upgrades to our package where the customers could add a night, turn their Reiki session into a hot stone massage and add pizza to their stay. Wow what fun! It was great and we worked hard! But to be honest the best part was the beautiful souls who came. Still to this day we are in contact with most of these customers with many of them who became really dear friends. Truly that deal might of been wonderful for them, but for us it still enriches our lives. To those 50 couples who came, you were amazing are are still amazing! You helped us grow our business and our offerings. YOU truly played such an important role in our success and for this we are forever grateful! For Sale ![]() We are de cluttering at the Calder House, making space for something new in our lives. What that is exactly we do not know. But we are open to receiving. So we are selling off some antique pieces. In the photo to the left their are 3 pieces that are for sale. On the left of the photo is a cute dresser with mirror, made of pine circa 1920 assembled with dove tale finish. We are asking $125. The 2nd piece is the old captain's bed comes with head board, foot board, railings, metal frame and box spring. Asking $400 OBO. The 3rd piece is the chair on the far left of the picture ($20) Please reach out if you are interested. First come first serve. Our First Guest In preparation for the Calder House grand opening we decided to do a trial run with some guests. I quickly put some feelers out and our carpenter mentioned that his wife and a few of her friends would love to be our first guests as they were huge bed & breakfast lovers.
In May of 2008 our first guest arrived. Mariette came a day earlier than the "girls" to work on a project. She was the most loveliest guest one could ask for. Mariette shared some very, very funny stories about her bed & breakfast adventures. She had us rolled over in stitches with her animated story telling. Who knew she was a comedian as well. We became fast friends and she visited often for different occasions. Mariette if you are reading this, we just want you to know that you set the bar high for all other guests to come. You are truly very dear to our hearts. Thank you for sharing your experiences, thank you for the many recommendations you made, thank you for your amazing sense of humor, and most of all thank you for your sincere wish to see us succeed. On t'aime bien gros! |
Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
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