The Dog Whisperer A number of years ago we received a reservation from a couple from Switzerland. Oh I remember how excited I was and remember thinking who needs to travel when the world comes to your doorstep.
I remember the middle aged woman, with beautiful skin and a quiet, gentle demeanor. Her profession was to work with dogs in some capacity. My memory escapes me at the moment, but I believe she trained and showed dogs. During the time of the couple's stay we were having lots of problems with Luna and Trudeau's behavior when we took them for walks. They would never listen and I found myself frustrated all the time. In fact I would even go as far as saying that I disliked walking them. Our lovely dog whisperer asked if she could join us for a walk one night. I gave her Trudeau's leash with all the warnings; he pulls, he doesn't listen, blaa blaa blaa. She smiled and we started to walk. As she walked, Trudeau obediently walk along side of her with his full attention and not having to correct him in anyway. I couldn't believe my eyes! She gracefully explained that our animals (pets) are an extension of our energy field, if you are tense so are they, if you are agitated so are they. The BIG light bulb went off in my head. Of course why had I not made the connection before? I was already teaching humans energy work and explaining how other peoples energy affects ours why wouldn't it be the same for our pets. From that day forward my walks with Trudeau and Luna became much more peaceful, always checking and clearing my energy prior to my contact with them, and making sure that my awareness and mindfulness button was turned on. Thank you to our Swiss friends!
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Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
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