![]() Do you believe in angels? I certainly do. I have been very fortunate in my life time to have witnessed, and experience the grace of their work in their miracles. Angels are always ready to go to work and help all life forms on earth, their only criteria is to be asked. About a month ago as I was getting ready to crawl into bed, I had a vision. It was a scene that flashed by like a movie, one that involved my mother. The vision, was of mom walking on the sidewalk in the middle of a cold winter night, with something in her arms and a strange blue flashing light surrounding her. She had nothing but her shoes, pants, a couple of t-shirts and a hoodie on. You might think that this is no big deal, but it is when it's minus 30 outside. This vision disturbed me, and left me feeling alarmed and concerned. You see mom lives in a supportive housing complex in a small town outside of Winnipeg and suffers from dementia. After I received the vision I decided to *heartlink with the angels and ask Archangel Michael for his guidance, and surround my mother with protection. I asked the angels that if by the grace of God it was time for my mother to leave the earth, then let it be so, but not in a grueling death, by freezing to death; let it be gentle and kind in a way that it is easier for her and for the souls, her friends, family and grandchildren that are left behind. 24 hours later from the time I had this vision, I received a call from my sister at 3:30 a.m. That awful dread came creeping into my solar-plex as you know nothing good comes from a phone call in the middle of the night. My sister informs me that she is at the hospital with my mom. Mom had been spotted by a street cleaner walking along the sidewalk with nothing but her shoes, pants, a couple of t-shirts and a stuffed cat in her arms. The "Earth Angel", street cleaner, got into his truck, and convinced my mom to get in, where he then took her to the hospital. Here is what we know for sure. Mom managed to exit her residence in Ste. Annes around 1:45 a.m. and walked all the way to the Co-op. This is probably a 3/4 mile walk. She was brought to the hospital around 2:30 a.m. For 45 minutes she was in -30 weather, with nothing but her pants, shoes and t-shirt on. When she arrived at the hospital she was disoriented, but her toes, fingers, ears and nose were warm. By the grace of the angels, mom did not suffer any effects from the cold. When my sister was done telling me about the details of mom's adventure I was in awe. I then told her of my vision. I said: "But what was the blue light,I can't figure out what this weird flashing blue light was?". My sister then replied; "the blue light is the light on top of the street cleaners machinery". There are no words to express the feelings, the rush, the gratefulness, the relief that no harm had come to mom; no frost bite, no effects whatsoever. It simply is unfathomable. I know that Archangel Michael illuminated his blue protective shield over my mother and worked through this street cleaner. I know that on that night a miracle took place and by the grace of God my mother was spared a grueling death. If I ever had any doubt about angels in the past, I can tell you that all that doubt is gone, for I do BELIEVE in ANGELS! PS If you are reading this story and you know someone who knows someone who was that man who saved my mom that night. Please have him contact us, for my family would really love to say thank you to him personally. Please share! *Heartlink: a process in which you make a connection from your heart to the angels. I teach this in my "Healing with Angels" course.
Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
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