This month is filled with new beginnings! I introduced a whole new series of yoga and meditation mini workshops, wisdom shares and mini day retreats for small groups. How exciting and scary to start new things.
We come up with these great ideas and think WOW wouldn't it be so cool to do this and do that...and then you get caught up in the creation of it all and build excitement. Then that little voice pipes in and says; " who are you kidding no one wants what you have to offer". Urgh I really despise that voice. As much as I want to capture it and put it in a box and bury it so that it never sees the light again, my kind heart says this is no way to treat your ego. So I kindly nudge the ego and say; "listen if it is meant to be it shall be, let's just give it a try and see". Fear is a pretty big monster in all of our lives. We give it so much power, yet we don't necessarily make the connection that we are the ones that feed it! Silly isn't it? I'm getting better at not feeding the fear, and really focusing on what makes my light shine. For some what we offer at the Calder House may seem out of the ordinary and others see it as beauty. Whenever I'm feeling doubt, a kind soul will send me a message and tell me that they love what I'm doing, they feel inspired, and wish they could participate to all. I pause and think yes thank you so much, for your support, and for sharing. Timing is always perfect. Don't let your desires, your dreams, your longings be smothered by fear. You are meant to be useful in this lifetime and your gifts are in your desires. Gently push the fear out of the way and remind it that it has no place here and now. After all you are holding the remote control.
Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
November 2024
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