Our First Guest In preparation for the Calder House grand opening we decided to do a trial run with some guests. I quickly put some feelers out and our carpenter mentioned that his wife and a few of her friends would love to be our first guests as they were huge bed & breakfast lovers.
In May of 2008 our first guest arrived. Mariette came a day earlier than the "girls" to work on a project. She was the most loveliest guest one could ask for. Mariette shared some very, very funny stories about her bed & breakfast adventures. She had us rolled over in stitches with her animated story telling. Who knew she was a comedian as well. We became fast friends and she visited often for different occasions. Mariette if you are reading this, we just want you to know that you set the bar high for all other guests to come. You are truly very dear to our hearts. Thank you for sharing your experiences, thank you for the many recommendations you made, thank you for your amazing sense of humor, and most of all thank you for your sincere wish to see us succeed. On t'aime bien gros!
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Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
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