Have I ever told you my story of how REIKI introduced itself into my life? It's a beautiful story…and of course, divinely timed. I would love to share it with you. I was in my mid 20's and life had dealt me a series of traumatic experiences in my early twenties. I’m not here to share the traumas in this post but to put it into context, I will say the state of my body was in extreme stress. I was date raped at 21 and later abused by a partner whom I lived with just over a year. My mom decided to treat me to a pedicure, giving me an example of how to self-love. Mom always had a knack in finding these unique self-care places for treatments. We were in a lovely, intimate spa on Des Meurons in St. Boniface, Manitoba for a pedicure treatment. Although I don’t remember the name of this spa, I do remember that their logo was a butterfly. For whatever reason, when we arrived for the treatment, I found out my pedicure was cancelled. But they offered me a Reflexology treatment instead. Many of the details of that treatment are fuzzy, but what I do remember is this: A man giving gave me the treatment and towards the end of the session, he asked me if it would be okay to give me some Reiki. My response was, “Reiki? What the heck is that!” Whatever this man told me at the time must have satisfied my comfort level as I said, “Yes, go ahead.” The cool thing was what happened next: I experienced this DEEP sense of RELAXATION! You might think what is the big deal about feeling relaxed. But it was a big deal! I spent most of my time in hiding from an abusive ex-partner. I was in constant high alert. I was worried when he would come for me. I felt like I was in constant flight mode. So, feeling relaxed was a very BIG deal! Let’s fast forward to my late 20's, quickly approaching the big 3-0. Life looked very different. I was living in Winnipeg with my husband in our perfect house, with our perfect dog and the perfect truck. I had great aspirations of climbing the corporate ladder and wearing the title of Management so proudly. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? Well, here is the truth from the outside looking in: I was living the perfect life. But if you are reading this blog right now you KNOW that is never the full TRUTH! Life is full of illusions. The truth is I was MISERABLE. My inner world was in a real shamble. My mind was filled with worries, fears, doubts, self-sabotaging, self-loathing, low self-esteem, low self-worth. I had absolutely no LOVE for myself back in those days. I continuously made bad food choices and drank lots of alcohol for the sake of having a good time. Those good times always ended with a horrible hangover. Don't get me wrong. There were many things going right in my life, but my outer appearance was not in alignment with my inner life. I truly was not in a good place. One of the benefits of working in a large corporation is their health and wellness benefits. For me that was yoga. This beautiful yoga teacher by the name of Deborah came into my life. I started attending her yoga classes and quickly realized how much stress I held in my body. I truly was very disconnected to from my whole body. Deborah came to class one day handing out pamphlets. She was offering other classes and they were--you guessed it—Reiki. Thoughts came flooding back to me of how I had experienced 10 minutes of bliss from the man at the spa who did a Reiki treatment that to my feet all those years ago. Yes…I was curious. So, I saved up the my money and registered for my first Reiki class. That first class was eye opening! , and I was absorbing the knowledge like a sponge. There was so much truth flowing through my body., and I learnt for the very first time I was made up of energy! Wow! Well, as we like to say, the rest is history. I’ll share more as of this story has as so many stories are tangled together like a fine silk cloth. Stay tuned for more…on my journey with Reiki.
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One thing I know for sure is that those of us who are living this lifetime, have chosen to be here in whatever capacity we are able to show up. Many of us who are healers, and light workers have chosen to come now. The angels, masters and teachers rounded us up in a massive spiritual hall and said: "Mother Earth will need your help. She is shifting to a higher frequency. Who here wants to volunteer and be incarnated to help humanity? And so here we are! We have chosen to be here NOW! Whether we see it as a difficult time or as a magical time or somewhere in between, trust that you have divine purpose in this time. Back in October at the last super moon, I had the privilege of participating in an advanced shamanic teaching. It was to work with spirits of nature at the time of darkness (nighttime). Most of the time we work with spirits of nature in the daytime. But this particular workshop had us working with them during the evening. We were asked to journey to the setting sun and speak to the Spirit of the Sun and ask for any kind of global message. I journeyed to the Upper World. An area where I was taken that I would describe best as being the badlands. Where there was this landscape of plateaus and deep valleys. The earth was red, orange and yellow. I was asked to sit on the edge of a plateau overlooking the valley. Seeing as far as the eye can see was the horizon of the setting sun. It was so spectacular in my mind the vision that I was given. And I can’t say that I have physically ever been to a place that looks like this. Part of it felt a bit surreal; almost like I was on another planet. In any case, there I was sitting on this plateau. I’m looking at the horizon and witnessing the setting sun. The sun was bright but it was more subdued colours of pinks and oranges and reds, reflecting the earth surrounding it. I was shown to lie down…and waited. I waited a long time for any kind of message. My request was to speak to the Spirit of the Setting Sun. But I waited and waited. What I witnessed was silence. And out of the silence rose light language. It was one word and it repeated and repeated itself. It was Narakata. Narakata. And that’s all I heard repeating and repeating. I found it a little bit unsettling because, as a shamanic practitioner when I journey, I journey easily, quickly. I go in, get my messages and I come out. Typically, I will use my clairaudient and clairvoyant. I see and I hear messages quite easily. But when you’re sitting in silence amongst one word--Narakata--it makes you wonder whether or not anything else will happen. Then the Setting Sun Spirit began to speak through the silence. And the message was: “When the sun sets, my energy flows through you, starting down at your head, bringing always with you knowing. It’s a knowing energy as I flow through the crown of your head. When I arise in the morning, I flow up from your feet, from the earth to bring you the earth’s energy and assist in grounding. Both my rising rays and setting rays lead me at your heart. This my child is Narakata where you become illuminated! Therefore, also become the sun! Ignite your own sun! Now go child. Visit the morning sun and receive a message here.” It’s now been a few months and we find ourselves at the end December (2020). The journey to the setting sun was done at the end of October. I have finally come to journey and to receive the message from the Morning Sun. It has been calling me for some time, waiting for me to receive, to share its message. So here we are at December 26th (2020) and I’m journeying to the Spirit of the Rising Sun. My journey took me to the Upper World where I was taken simultaneously to three different summits. One summit was in a winter wonderland. Another summit was at the top of a mountain. In another summit was to the top of a crystalline structure. These are all upper world landscapes that I’m quite familiar with. I was taken to all three of them at the same time! Anything is possible in the non-ordinary world of our consciousness. Again, the morning sun was silent. I could see her stretching slowly and rising slowly. She yawned and stretched her arms out from the darkness. Then the Spirit of the Rising Sun began to speak. She said: “Magic happens at the first ray of my sunlight. My rays are to awaken all of creation. Stand tall. Pay attention. Ignite. I am not to be worshiped in any way but to command acknowledgement of the power of the Creator. Your growth as a human does not happen in my sunlight. Growth happens in darkness. My light gives you the opportunity to observe and acknowledge growth that took place in the darkness. My rays are meant to illuminate the past, direct in the present and guide you in the future. Find the joy in life when my fingertips caress your face. Notice how I dance in a blanket of snow, shimmering diamonds. Notice my refraction on to the earth, crystalline structure. Notice how darkness and I are forever united through our contract of equality, rendering life in a neutral state. Notice my rising from the soles of your feet to meet my setting sun at your heart. Narakata. Narakata. Now go child, go meet darkness as the spirit wishes to whisper secrets in your ear. Narakata. Narakata.” Stay tuned for my journey to the Darkness... We just finished wrapping up a virtual retreat entitled "Healing with Your Angels". It was a heart felt weekend filled with learning, experiencing, sharing and mostly receiving what our angels have to offer us in the form of support and healing. We worked with four specific Archangels; Uriel, Gabriel, Jophiel and Raphael. Each Archangel carries a distinct colored ray that brings us healing for very specific areas of the body called "energy centres" or also known as "chakras". The fourth center we explored was all matters of the heart. Our heart centres encompass our arms, hands, mid back, lungs, and heart. Knowing what Archangel Raphael area of expertise was, we were all tasked to list our personal issues where Raphael could assist us. We then proceeded to ask the Archangel through an intentional prayer followed by an activation meditation. It's such a beautiful way to connect with our angels and always sends me goosebumps all over my body. Every soul-sister had their own individual areas of their lives that they required assistance with. The secret key to receiving help from the Archangels (spirit guides, power animals, angels) is to ASK for help. Once the question has been asked, we then need to get out of the way and TRUST that the angels will assist in accordance to the divine will. I too asked for help, and I share with you the message I received from Archangel Raphael. My request was relevant to what humanity is experiencing at this time. I asked for Archangel Raphael to assist the healing of the collective who are dealing with the fear around their lungs with our current virus. I received a profound message one that left me in tears. The messages goes like this: "Dear child, the lungs are the tree of life. As above, so below. Even though you see the lungs as vertical in your bodies, if you flip them around to horizontal you will recognize the tree of life with the branches on top and the roots on the bottom. The macro and the micro. You cover yourselves under masks. But the very thing you need is breath! You have covered the earth (mother earth, gaia, pachamama) with your pollution and have cut down her lungs (trees). This action is destroying your lungs and the earths. Your experience is Gaia's experience. You get caught up so much in what is happening to YOU, to your FAMILY, to your COMMUNITY, but most never take it an further into the macrocosm. What is the bigger picture? How is this mirroring your collective experience? What you have done to yourselves, humanity, you have done to our great mother, the earth. You as a collective have put a mask on her." Gaia now has this pollution over her face (the mask). Mother earth can not breathe. We have cut down her lungs (the trees). We have done this to ourselves. So as the macro, so is the micro. We need to look further than ourselves, always...right? Life always mirrors what we do to the earth, we do to ourselves. In this retreat we were working on healing our hearts. It starts here. It's an inner journey, and inside work. When we heal this aspect of ourselves, we make better choices that have an huge impact on our earth. And just as the earth is our macrocosm, the earth is the microcosm to the whole universe. So our inner journeys, play a role in the infinite existence of all creation. So be it now. What exactly happened to 2019? Where did it all go? Honestly, I don't know where it all went. Do you? 2019 was the year of endings, the year of many deaths, and I'm okay with that. Because after a death, if we follow the cycle of life, it means that something will be born. Birth follows death, it's one of our natural laws. We closed down Calder House in 2019, and although I'm still cleaning up some business loose ends on that, it is done. We've taken back the house as our personal space and let me tell you there is evidence. We no longer are the cleaning fanatics we once were. You can definitely catch a cat fuzz ball here and there. Purnima and I took a beautiful group to India in January of 2019. Social media constantly reminds me where I was last year. To be honest it seems like a decade ago. I have some beautiful memories to fill my heart. We lost my mom in May of 2019. If I was to be honest with you, the divine blessed us with her passing. My mom suffered from dementia for several years, and we had truly lost her some time ago. Her soul rests now with my dad. She comes to visit me once in a blue moon in spirit. She's just checking in. We lost Grant's mom in June of 2019. Yes barely a month apart. I think those two were in cahoots with each other. LOL! Alice lived a very long life. She transitioned at the age of 93. Incredible long life. She was ready to go, she was tired of fighting the fight. And we gently released her so she could rest eternally. Interestingly, Alice passed exactly on the same day as her husband (Norm), but he passed 24 years prior. In August of 2019 we lost our best furry friend, Luna (Alaskan Malamute). There isn't a day that we don't think of her. We surely miss our daily walks. She played an big part in keeping us in shape. We ended the year with some holiday plans that were derailed at the last minute. What a crazy year! But what I haven't shared is the amazing things that came about in the midsts of the chaos. We birthed a ceremonial women's sweat lodge on our property and held a half a dozen sweats. Oh if the walls of the lodge could speak. We made some amazing, deep community relationships. Creating a unique and special bond that I will forever be grateful for. I walked along the healing journeys of many who came to see me for some assistance. I always feel so honored when they choose me to help. The year ended with the gift of time to sit, reflect, rest, and take an inward journey. I felt like I was in the chrysalis stage of a pupa. Stay tuned for what is to come! So excited to birth some new projects. |
Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
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