![]() One thing I know for sure is that those of us who are living this lifetime, have chosen to be here in whatever capacity we are able to show up. Many of us who are healers, and light workers have chosen to come now. The angels, masters and teachers rounded us up in a massive spiritual hall and said: "Mother Earth will need your help. She is shifting to a higher frequency. Who here wants to volunteer and be incarnated to help humanity? And so here we are! We have chosen to be here NOW! Whether we see it as a difficult time or as a magical time or somewhere in between, trust that you have divine purpose in this time. Back in October at the last super moon, I had the privilege of participating in an advanced shamanic teaching. It was to work with spirits of nature at the time of darkness (nighttime). Most of the time we work with spirits of nature in the daytime. But this particular workshop had us working with them during the evening. We were asked to journey to the setting sun and speak to the Spirit of the Sun and ask for any kind of global message. I journeyed to the Upper World. An area where I was taken that I would describe best as being the badlands. Where there was this landscape of plateaus and deep valleys. The earth was red, orange and yellow. I was asked to sit on the edge of a plateau overlooking the valley. Seeing as far as the eye can see was the horizon of the setting sun. It was so spectacular in my mind the vision that I was given. And I can’t say that I have physically ever been to a place that looks like this. Part of it felt a bit surreal; almost like I was on another planet. In any case, there I was sitting on this plateau. I’m looking at the horizon and witnessing the setting sun. The sun was bright but it was more subdued colours of pinks and oranges and reds, reflecting the earth surrounding it. I was shown to lie down…and waited. I waited a long time for any kind of message. My request was to speak to the Spirit of the Setting Sun. But I waited and waited. What I witnessed was silence. And out of the silence rose light language. It was one word and it repeated and repeated itself. It was Narakata. Narakata. And that’s all I heard repeating and repeating. I found it a little bit unsettling because, as a shamanic practitioner when I journey, I journey easily, quickly. I go in, get my messages and I come out. Typically, I will use my clairaudient and clairvoyant. I see and I hear messages quite easily. But when you’re sitting in silence amongst one word--Narakata--it makes you wonder whether or not anything else will happen. Then the Setting Sun Spirit began to speak through the silence. And the message was: “When the sun sets, my energy flows through you, starting down at your head, bringing always with you knowing. It’s a knowing energy as I flow through the crown of your head. When I arise in the morning, I flow up from your feet, from the earth to bring you the earth’s energy and assist in grounding. Both my rising rays and setting rays lead me at your heart. This my child is Narakata where you become illuminated! Therefore, also become the sun! Ignite your own sun! Now go child. Visit the morning sun and receive a message here.” It’s now been a few months and we find ourselves at the end December (2020). The journey to the setting sun was done at the end of October. I have finally come to journey and to receive the message from the Morning Sun. It has been calling me for some time, waiting for me to receive, to share its message. So here we are at December 26th (2020) and I’m journeying to the Spirit of the Rising Sun. My journey took me to the Upper World where I was taken simultaneously to three different summits. One summit was in a winter wonderland. Another summit was at the top of a mountain. In another summit was to the top of a crystalline structure. These are all upper world landscapes that I’m quite familiar with. I was taken to all three of them at the same time! Anything is possible in the non-ordinary world of our consciousness. Again, the morning sun was silent. I could see her stretching slowly and rising slowly. She yawned and stretched her arms out from the darkness. Then the Spirit of the Rising Sun began to speak. She said: “Magic happens at the first ray of my sunlight. My rays are to awaken all of creation. Stand tall. Pay attention. Ignite. I am not to be worshiped in any way but to command acknowledgement of the power of the Creator. Your growth as a human does not happen in my sunlight. Growth happens in darkness. My light gives you the opportunity to observe and acknowledge growth that took place in the darkness. My rays are meant to illuminate the past, direct in the present and guide you in the future. Find the joy in life when my fingertips caress your face. Notice how I dance in a blanket of snow, shimmering diamonds. Notice my refraction on to the earth, crystalline structure. Notice how darkness and I are forever united through our contract of equality, rendering life in a neutral state. Notice my rising from the soles of your feet to meet my setting sun at your heart. Narakata. Narakata. Now go child, go meet darkness as the spirit wishes to whisper secrets in your ear. Narakata. Narakata.” Stay tuned for my journey to the Darkness...
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Carole TetreaultWhen I get into my deepest thoughts and contemplation this is when the most beautiful words flow Categories
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