Welcome my Loving Soul Sister,
Well would you look at you! You have meandered your way through the Four Directions, your map of your epic journey of healing. What a ride it has been! I could go on about how proud I am of each of you, however what I think is irrelevant. What is most sacred is how you feel about your own journey. What does it feel like to have completed this journey? Do you feel like you are done or do you need to go back to visit a few landmarks for some deeper work. There is no right or wrong answer here, this healing journey is not over it is just beginning. But now you get to step outside of yourself if you are ready and heal the collective, macrocosm world. Actually, you have already started, for the work on self becomes the work on the oneness. I am extremely proud and honored to have met each of you on a deep soul level. There will always be a place in my heart for each of you. I have so much Munay (Love) for you. Aho, Loving you, Carole |
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