My LOVELY soul sisters,
Can you believe it? We are at the half mark on your incredible healer's journey. We've finished 10 lessons and 10 more beautiful ones to go. We'll wrap up the teachings around the ovaries and bring in the fallopian tubes. When we come back from our rest, we'll explore the uterus. Everything all in good time. Enjoy your week! Aho, loving you in sacral sacred space Carole |
Our ovaries can not fire up energy without the assistance of the Fallopian Tubes. Let's reflect on the crucial role these little mini bridges do for us:
Mandala at Your Mesa
We are getting ready for Part II of our Mandala Ceremony at our altar. Get your beans ready we are about to bring out the imbalances in our womb space and bring them forth to the light in our mandala to be healed once and for all. We are taking the shadows to the light my soul sisters! |
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