My dear, sweet Soul Sisters,
At last my dear sweet soul sisters we are wrapping up our first 5 weeks of working in the direction of the south accompanied by our Serpent guide. Our goal was to get you familiar with the territory of your Root Sacred Space. This space is the one that holds the foundation of all other sacred spaces in your body. It's important to understand what your foundation has been built on. Did you discover that it was built on solid ground or on sand? When we are able to witness the kinds of emotions used for our foundation, then we are capable of making any adjustments and repairs that we need for the Sacred Root Space. We will shore up your foundation before we move on to our next steps--the Sacral Sacred Space. This lesson will also give you an opportunity to express gratitude and love towards your younger self and the divine feminine. This writing practice will demonstrate to you the security and trust you are able to provide. In a journey you will call in and prepare yourself to receive any soul pieces that you may have lost. This is an amazing gift done through the process called a soul retrieval, and using your altar for assistance from your spirit guides. And the latter is cause for celebration! Spirit and the Elements love celebrations! The Grand Mothers are preparing a feast as we speak. Loving you, Carole |
The Serpent isn't she special!
She is the mother of waters, and wraps her coils of light around us. She teaches us to walk the beauty way. Teaches us to shed our past. Teaches us to shed all at one time. She is the Feminine Power, A power is awakened in you when you taste freedom and wisdom. |
The Western Story of CreationIn the Western Story of Creation, the serpent is
the guardian of the tree of knowledge. She was the one coiled around the Tree of Wisdom waiting for us, so she could offer us the fruits of wisdom. When we took the Fruit of Wisdom, we did not know how to hold this wisdom. We discovered the first emotion--our very first feeling and our first healing that we needed to do. When God walked into the garden looking for Adam and Eve they were hiding. Why? Because they were ashamed...they were naked! This is the first wounding, the sense of shame that we inherited from our original parents, Adam and Eve. This wounding is not about a feeling that you did something bad but that you are bad! This is the curse that ALL western society carries. The basis of healing is that we don't belong in the garden of Eden. We are being cast out and do not belong in the world. From this rooted wound, we as humans have constructed super structures so others cannot see how bad we really feel. Excerpts taken from Alberto Villoldo |
For those of you who purchased the Waning or Waxing Moon packages, it's time to book a personal one on one coaching call with me. Please do so at the following link.
Not sure what you want to work on! Don't worry our guides will lead the way. |
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