My LOVING soul sisters,
"My womb is my sacred nest in which I hold all my relationships. No one will enter into the womb of my mind, the womb of my heart, or the womb of my womb unless they are at their best; pure and clean. Join me all my relations, in my Natural Living Lifestyle. Join me in my peace of mind and my state of bliss. My womb speaks peace to all my relations and so my relationships speak peace to my womb. I bless all my relationships!" Queen Afua Aho, loving you in sacred womb space, Carole |
The Wisdom of the Uterus
We continue to be blessed with the wisdom of the uterus, our sacred wombs. We explore what it means to give birth with life force energy, and what our creations may look like with out it.
Be gentle and compassionate with yourself and your womb space as you inquire through miscarriages and abortions. Empower your past hurts with ceremonies that will rebirth and name the un-manifested ones! |
Mandala at Your Mesa
Approach your mesa with compassion, and gift your sacred womb the recital of this mantra: "My womb is safe, My womb is protected, My womb is in peace, I am in balance with my womb's natural rhythm and celebrate it! I cycle with ease expressing the divine act of releasing and letting go of what no longer serves a purpose in my life. I give myself permission to create exactly what I need. I trust my womb choice. I allow my womb to speak freely." the wombsauna |
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