The Munay-Ki
is a healing journey that you are ready to uncover the jewels of your heart. Yes, jewels that help you transform from a homo sapiens to a homo luminous. It is time! The Great Mother is evolving rapidly and so can you! These initiations (Rites) are an effort to assist you in healing the wounds of the past and teach you to live in harmony in your personal life as the source of peace and grace for others. Join us. We-(the ancestors of the Laika lineage and I) want to share the love, the gift of light. |
The Thunder Bird Spirit Medicine Mentorship
The ancient prophecy revealed that it is time to deliver to the West new 'shamans'. It is desperately needed. The ancient ones, our teachers in the visible & invisible realms are ready to share their wisdom with you. 🔆Are you ready to learn some of the 'ancient' ways to bring healing to our Earth and all of our Relations? 🔆Are you ready to AWAKEN? 🔆Is this your PATH? 🔆Are you willing to INVEST in yourself and those that will come? 🔆Are you open to RECEIVING? 🔆Are you, yourself ready to HEAL? |
The Grand Mother Moon Ceremonies "Welcome" said Grand Mother Gratitia. She is the most ancient ones who embodies the wisdom of the cycles of our planetary system. She is wise, mystical and wraps you in her loving energy.
All 13 Grand Mother Moons carry their unique gifts and wisdom that they are ready to share with you in journeys led by Blue Thunder Bird Woman. Each ceremony is unique, guided by one or many of our ancient ones, our ancestors. The ceremonies have an incredible healing effect for us as individuals and the collective in our moon community and at large. |
Get your copy of these amazing collaborations of writers and healers in the Wellness Shop |
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