First Session
Is it your first time working with Carole or shamanic work? If so please book this session to start.
It is important to have a sacred conversation together with the Spirit guides to see how we can assist you. Once we've established why you've come, then we can put together a plan. If time permits, this allotted time will include a shamanic session recommended by Carole. |
Intuitive Healing Session
Sometimes we simply need to get out of our own way and let our spirit guides decide what is needed for your healing.
After a 15-minutes conversation, Carole is able to assess what is in your highest and greatest good at the present moment. With the assistance of her guides and yours, she will commence the therapy with your approval as to what is needed. Let's connect with your higher self as it knows what is best for you. |
Reset Fight or Flight
After a trauma or an ongoing stressful period of time, many of us become stuck in the fight or flight mode. Next thing we know we've become frozen in this state for the rest of our lives. This fight or flight state of being becomes our new normal. Unfortunately, the decisions made from this state are based on the belief that the world is unsafe. Animals innately reset their fight or flight; however humans cannot do this naturally. Decoupling is a beautiful way to reset your fight or flight system to help you feel safe in the world again. We work with 2 specific Animal Spirit Guides for this session; The Eagle and the Jaguar. Each bring beautiful medicine of courage and love to you. |
Spiritual Extraction
When the fracturing of a person’s spirit self occurs and parts of the soul leave, there are openings in the spirit body. These spaces can collect energies – thought forms, stories, emotions, feelings, elementals, even soul parts from others. Such intruding energies can lead to physical, emotional and mental disease, not because these energies are particularly “bad” but rather because they do not belong within us.
In the extraction healing process, the shamanic healer, with the assistance of one or more spirit helpers scans and removes these energetic intrusions from the client’s spirit body. The removal is done in a careful and compassionate way, and the helping spirit ensures that the intrusions return to where they belong. Often, an empowerment of compassionate boundaries is included as part of the healing session. In every session, the helping spirit gives the client an infusion of healing power. |
Power Animal Retrieval
Power animals are guardian spirits, similar to the concept of guardian angels. We all have them, whether or not we are consciously aware of them. Children are more aware than adults are, and we see this reflected in their strong and loving attachment to toy animals and pets. Many indigenous people believe that childhood cannot be survived without the guardianship of these spirit allies.
They protect us, keep us saturated in power, health and enthusiasm, and prevent negative energies and illnesses from entering our energy field. Sometimes a power animal leaves suddenly for unknown reasons. When this happens, the person becomes dis-empowered. The result is misfortune and/or illness. The services of a shamanic practitioner can retrieve the power animal for the client in "non-ordinary" reality (assisted by the shaman’s power animal!) and return it to the client in this reality. Specific symptoms which indicate the need for a power animal retrieval include repeated misfortune/accidents, chronic and debilitating illness, depression and, in extreme cases, a lack of will to live. |
Animal Spirit Guides
Most people have at least one spirit helper in animal form. It is possible to have more. As a rule, these helpers are present whether we are consciously aware of them or not. They provide protection, assistance, wisdom, direction and companionship. In a shamanic worldview, the individual’s personal power and physical vitality are gifts from these helpers; hence the term "power animals". These spirits generally take the form of undomesticated animals and like their physical counterparts, they are accustomed to come and go as they please. When one — for whatever reason — leaves the company of a person, another power animal usually appears to take its place. However, if that does not happen, the person may experience a loss of personal power which might manifest as serious illness, emotional malaise, extraordinary bad luck, personal crisis or in some other noticeable way.
A shaman addresses this loss of power by journeying into the spirit world to discover an animal spirit that had previously been their client’s companion. Prevailing upon the animal’s compassion, the shaman beseeches it to return to its human friend. Should the animal choose to return, the shaman escorts it back to the client. After such a retrieval the client may experience a resurgence of power, health or effectiveness. Retrieving power animal is a fundamental way to retrieve a person's innate, instinctual energies, of re-spiriting a person, re-integrating their core energies and bringing them a true ally for healing, for life-guiding and for relationship. |
What Causes Soul Loss?
Soul Retrieval
People who are not spiritually "power-filled" are prone to illness, accidents, and misfortune. Anyone who has had a traumatic experience may lose a portion of their soul, a part of their spiritual essence. Soul Loss describes the fragmentation of the soul. Interestingly enough, Soul Loss shares similarities with what contemporary psychology calls “dissociation”: the splitting of the psyche in response to traumatic, shocking or difficult experiences. This is often the cause of many Core Wounds that affect us later as adults.
Soul Language
Soul language also known as Light Language helps you shift your energy to a higher frequency (vibration). As your energy rises through your senses, your brain is triggered into a gamma state where you become receptive to and let go of control of your senses; therefore, allowing your frequency to shift and expand. This allows you to tap into a realm of wisdom, healing, regeneration, and activation. It can be used alone or accompanied with any other modality of energy therapy.
Light Language is a channeled cosmic language that distributes sound and energy to convey messages. It is interpreted by the heart centre (chakra), and speaks familiarity to your soul rather than to your programmed hearing and intellect. This allows you to absorb information differently by expanding your senses. The sound travels in a spiraling motion carrying with it sacred geometry. Your soul star filters the truth codes into your auric field. When you are ready, you will receive encoding into your DNA. |
Body Part Soul Retrieval
People who have had any kind of surgery, injury or amputation to the body are prone to body part soul loss. Shamans understand that absolutely everything in existence has a soul; therefore, each of our body parts have soul pieces to them. The soul body part cannot tolerate the pain and might disassociate itself from your body. If it does, then we can experience the following:
Cord Cutting
Curse Removal
Cord cutting is removing a toxic attachment in the form of a rope (cord) that is attached to a source that can be from past life, ancestor, alien life that is sucking life force energy from your chakras or your organs. In this process the cord needs to be tracked on your body (where is it attached) and then follow that cord to the source. Both locations need to be severed and cauterized.
Once we know what it is connected to we can start to embody the lesson from the toxic connections. |
Do you ever feel like you've been cursed. Like there is some looming hex on you and your loved ones. Or maybe you kept hearing the same thing over and over again growing up that you would never succeed, amount to anything, make money, anything that is negative.
Maybe you cursed yourself? Perhaps you had a bad relationship and you vowed to never repeat it again, however without you knowing you put your own spell on all of your chances of finding someone to do life with. Curses come in all shapes and sizes, some are simple to break, some are complex. If you think you are cursed or someone has put a spell on you, you might just want to investigate this further. In this session we discuss possible curses and journey to find out what and how we can break them. |
In this process we are working with our Luminous Energy Field (LEF) also known as the Wirracocha and our chakra system.
This process is about bringing light into the LEF. In order to do so we might find debris, in this area left by imprintations from trauma. We need to remove and repair the LEF first before being able to bring in the light. |
Rainbow Bridge Ceremony
Do you find yourself in an extremely difficult position where you need to make the decision to euthanize your beloved furry friend? These are some of the most heart wrenching moments in our lives.
In the Rainbow Bridge Ceremony I journey to the spirit of your pet with the intent to communicate with them. To let them know that their time has come near the end and that you want to know how to celebrate their lives. We ask the following questions:
Sometimes on their final walk they have beautiful messages for you and I can carry this message to you. |
Most people can benefit from some assistance and guidance at the time of death, even if they are not fully conscious at the time. For example, images from dreams, myths and stories can be shared which enable the person to envision a safe passage to the other side. Prayers or blessings can be offered. There are methods that can help energetically release the spirit from the body. One can also enlist the help of guiding forces, such as spirit guides, religious figures, and other helpful entities who can assist with the process.
As a shamanic practitioner, I have the ability to help people cross over at the time of death, or assist those souls who need guidance after the transition. My primary function is not to reconnect the living with the dead, but to help the spirit or soul of an individual cross over to a safe place at the time of death. |
House Sweep
Are you living in a house that does not feel right to you? Do you hear things? Do you see things that get moved around and you know that you were not the one who moved the object? Perhaps, you just feel like you are not alone. Do some rooms get really cold for no apparent reason?
Over the course of time a house/apartment can accumulate some discordant energies. Even the house itself is a spirit and it may not welcome you into its space. Sometimes, we discover earth bound souls that are lost and can't find their way to the divine light. A house sweep can be the method in which to assist them back to source. I have a whole team of spirits who love this kind of work. They will go in and clean your house with a sweep (distantly). We always approach these energies and spirits with an open heart full of love to help them back to their light. After a house sweep your new home will feel welcoming, bright and light. Most importantly it will be cleansed, safe, and your sacred space. |
Land Sweep
Land Healing is so, so important. History has taken place where we walk , live and play today.
But what happened here before we came? What is the history of the land? Were there settlers prior? Were there natural catastrophes? Was the land misused and abused? Was there war? Was there deaths? All of these occurrences can leave a land restless and looking for relief, for healing. Land Sweeps are about honoring the land and clearing out the low vibrational entities that still walk it. Often it is related to peoples who are Earthbound in Spirit form who have never found their way back to the Light. I often see this session as a way to honor the land, to bring it back to a place of reciprocity, a place of balance. Mother Earth blesses us everyday with her abundance. We can do our part in clearing energies that don't belong to her. |
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