This class will explore the Ruby Ray of Archangel Uriel. Uriel's focus is spiritual devotion through selfless service to others. Uriel's rays are most prevelant around the root chakra (muladhara) located between the gentiles and the anus. The element is EARTH - balance expression as grounded, stable, secure, and reliable. Uriel's ray is the first spectrum of light coming from the rainbow. We perceive Uriel's ray as a deep red with flecks of gold, just like the most beautiful ruby crystal.
Imagine this beautiful orange - orange gold ray illuminating your sacral chakra (energy centre). The centre of creativity, with the qualities of dissolving fears. Archangel Gabriel is one of the 4 archangels known as the "messenger".
This orange ray governs the lower back, lower intestines, abdomen, kidneys, governs the adrenals and aids in digestion. It is the 2nd color of the spectrum of the rainbow. Gabriel and it's rays brings us balance in our energy levels, hormones, and brings us increased vitality, and can even ease constipation.
Emotionally this ray will ameliorate grief, bereavement and loss. Gabriel will aid us in enhancing our creativity, ease fears, fear of pleasure and phobias.
Spiritually, the orange ray stimulates joyfulness in it's most uplifting manner.
This weeks Angels & Nidra is focused on the Yellow Ray of Archangel Jophiel. Jophiel is the angel of wisdom, located at the solar plexus, and is the element of fire.
It is the 3rd ray of the visible rainbow spectrum going through shades of orange to yellow to a pale yellow.
This ray develops a fresh approach to life by bringing back enchantment and pleasure. It builds connection to align you to your higher self through multitude of dimensions. It helps you to recover soul fragments that may have been lost through shock, trauma, illness and fright. One of it's gifts is intuition, perception, joy, bliss and soul illumination.
It governs the pancreas, solar plexus, liver, gall bladder, spleen, middle stomach, nervous system and digestive system.
In the emotional body it brings stability, uplifts, freedom, laughter and joy. Also illuminates and raises self esteem, and brings feelings of total well being.
Spiritually this yellow ray brings soul illumination, strengthens connection to your higher self and guides, and angels.
Archangel Raphael is associated with the emerald green ray of light, focusing on healing and harmony. The rays of light are concentrated on the heart chakra. The element is air.
It is the 4th visible color of the spectrum of the rainbow while still working on the 3rd dimension transmuting to the 4th dimension.
Archangel Raphael is known as the divine healer for healing ourselves and for helping others to find inner guidance, love, compassion, balance and inspiration. Helps ease the heart, lungs, and thymus problems. Assists with claustrophobia, feelings of restrictions, reduces mental confusion, aids in development of healthy relationships with others.
Enhances creative visualization, and manifestation techniques. Encourages personal growth by bringing in harmony.
Archangel Michael carries the Blue Ray - a sapphire blue. The focus is the throat chakra. It is the 5th ray of the visible rainbow spectrum, and is the first spiritual ray.
Archangel Michael is the protector of humanity, the supreme, incorruptible commander in chief of all the archangels and leads the heavenly legions of light.
This ray focuses on the following physical aspects: throat, thyroid, para thyroid, upper lungs, jaw, base of the skull, and body weight.
On the emotional, and mental body this ray combats fears of speaking ones truth. Calms the mind, and brings peace and detachment from worldly concerns.
In the spiritual body this ray inspires you to become a seeker of higher truth and hidden knowledge. The blue ray carries the power of faith and protection. And, it helps us surrender our little (ego) to the higher will of source can be used to develop devotion.
Archangel Raziel carries the indigo blue ray focused on the 3rd eye chakra or also known as the forehead chakra. This energy centre is focused on intuition and insight. It is the 6th ray of the physical rainbow and resides in the 4th dimension.
The indigo ray is the key to development of psychic abilities and aids in conscious connections to spirit.
On the physical body this ray supports the pituitary gland, skeleton, lower brain, eyes and sinuses.
On the emotional body this ray sedates the conscious mind which acts as a tranquilizer to the emotions. Creates internal communication, and helps us focus on personal issues; self awareness, self understanding, and self knowledge.
On our spiritual body this ray acts as a astral antiseptic, and clears negative thought forms. It aids in telepathic abilities like intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and clairknowing.
Indigo ray is the domain of mystery and psychic understanding.
Archangel Zadkiel has the violet ray associated with the crown chakra - cosmic energy.
He has the highest vibration of the rainbow and it's violet ray is the shortest wavelength. It symbolizes transition between the visible and the invisible. He is the angel of mercy and benevolence also known as the "holy one". Always brings us comfort in the hour of need.
Physically works with the pineal gland, crown, scalp, top of the head and the brain.
Emotional & Mental: Calms emotional turbulence, aids emotional recovery, helps with addictions and removes emotional imbalances.
Spiritual: Inspires free imagination, helps meditation, enhances psychic abilities, brings spiritual dedication, aids with past life regression, develops the crown chakra, enables visions, and cleanses with purification what is touched.
We present you with a rainbow tonic including all the colored rays from each of the seven Archangels. Enjoy the healing benefits of each ray. We will use the colour breath to fill the whole body and parts of the body. The rays will find their way to any pain area of the body that particularly needs healing for you.